Title: GRAAM steers NITI Aayog’s session under ‘National Conference on Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning ‘
GRAAM, steered a session on ‘Participatory and Citizen-centric Approach to Monitoring & Evaluation’ under NITI Aayog’s National Conference on Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (NCMEL)
What: Grassroots Research and Advocacy Movement (GRAAM), steered a session on ‘Participatory and Citizen-centric Approach to Monitoring & Evaluation’ under NITI Aayog’s National Conference on Monitoring, Evaluation & Learning (NCMEL) conducted on a virtual platform.
When: The session was held on March 16, 2022
Who: The insightful discussion was moderated by Dr Basavaraju R Shreshta, Executive Director, GRAAM, and witnessed the participation of Dr Ananya Samajdar, Research Head, GRAAM, Shilpa Nag CT, Commissioner, Rural Development, Government of Karnataka, and Dr Yogesh Kumar, Executive Director, Samarthan.
GRAAM Highlights: Representing GRAAM, Dr Ananya Samajdar- Research Head, presented insights from the paper titled "Community Monitoring for strengthening responsible participation leveraging ICT – Experience of Arogya Shreni in Karnataka and Jan Arogya Shreni in Jharkhand” co-authored by Dr Basavaraju and herself.
The paper elaborates on the concept, design, outcomes, and necessity of community participation in monitoring health services at the grassroots level. GRAAM, in the paper, sighted evidence from Arogya Shreni project (a platform for community engagement in public health delivery as a stakeholder) in Karnataka and Jan Arogya Shreni in Jharkhand.
To read the paper: https://graam.org.in/uploads/presentation/presentation_pdf_1647492584.pdf