
Graam Policy Scan

Volume - 1 / Issue - 1 / April 2020

Lead Story

Hear Here....

While the society is emerging to extend an empathetic approach towards persons with hearing difficulty, its outreach in the grassroots, i.e., the villages are yet to yield change. Amidst the negative emotions and discriminatory expressions against persons with disabilities, many families and communities fail to identify a person with hearing disability as it manifests as an invisible impairment.

“He doesn’t respond to any of our calls, he is always silent, stays separate. We keep calling him and he just doesn’t respond. It seems like he doesn’t pay attention to anyone. This is disrespectful,” stated a teacher of Ramesh (name changed), a class

Grassroots Initiative

The Problematic Leap of Painting the Tint of English as the Medium of Instruction

Parents’ boost in enthusiasm for accessing English medium schools, construed upgradation of children’s career prospects and above all a step towards making educational ecosystem inclusive and accessible…Completing a year of piloting the conversion of 1000 government schools in Karnataka to English-medium, this blanket step stands upon an unprepared foundation.

According to media reports, the Department of Public Instruction revealed that almost 75% of the 1000 schools have seen a rise of more than 20 students enrolled. This overwhelming response has prompted the education department to review the status of the pilot and accordingly consider the replication of the pilot in another 1000 schools.

Policy Engagement

"Ignorance of the system and prejudiced mindset of society limits employment opportunities of PwDs": V S Basavaraju, Karnataka State Commissioner for PwDs

As a person who travels across the state to identify, raise and respond to offences and violations against persons with disabilities, how often do you come across cases and concerns faced by PwDs from the employment perspective?

Very often I receive requests regarding the requirement of jobs. I receive calls which state that “I am not getting any job. I have been going everywhere. Jobs are not being provided.”  So, these requests are very common. But unfortunately, PwDs are largely unaware of their rights and their needs. Hence, the very numbers requesting for job opportunities is relatively less. This is the nature of concerns that we have come across.

No School Bag Day: A Day in School Without the Burden of the Bag

Amidst times where education has become reduced to mere academic percentages and its associated social values, the Government of Karnataka (GoK) officially announced two Saturdays in a month to be dedicated for observing ‘No School Bag Day’ as a mandatory ritual across all government schools in the state with the aim of approaching education as a joyful learning experience. The task of formulating a concept note and conduct a pilot for No School Bag Day was duly entrusted to GRAAM by the Department of Education, GoK. 

No School Bag Day is not a new idea and was part of the education system over the past years.

Events by GRAAMers

Events attended by GRAAMers

Talks delivered by GRAAM chairman Dr R Balasubramaniam 

Lecture delivered on “Social Stock Exchange: Why and how it is relevant in Indian Context?” in Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow on 8th September 2020.

Talk delivered about “Exercising Leadership to create a new economic order” in Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli on 6th September 2020.

GRAAM in Media

GRAAM in Media

Media coverage towards GRAAM.