
Graam Policy Scan

Volume - 2 / Issue - 2 / April 2021

Lead Story


As an action-research project, COVI Reach project was initiated by GRAAM when the number of infections at the taluk level began contributing to the increasing tally of COVID19 cases in the Mysuru district. Lack of beds in the Government hospitals, exorbitant bills at private hospitals, high ambulance charges to transport the patients and the deceased, increasing black fungus cases, lack of testing kits at COVID Mitra centres, shortage of free medicine and home isolation kits, lack of institutional quarantine facilities at the GP/village level and general lack of awareness about the pandemic and the ways to deal with it drove the infection rates as hi…

Research at GRAAM

Research at GRAAM

Project COVIReach: Control and management of COVID -19 -Perception of different stakeholders in the community Has been designed as an action-research program across the seven GPs of Mysuru taluk. It examines the role of the Gram Panchayats, Task Force and ASHA workers, while evaluating the Knowledge, Attitude and Perceptions of the community in the prevention of the disease. The research leans on understanding the project to formulate policy recommendations for a wider uptake of appropriate COVID19 measures in the rural areas.

Implementation of COVIReach at GP level looks at  hurdles for the  implementation of  the programme, effectiveness and interviews with the key informants.

Dharwad workshop

A two-day  workshop for enumerators on data collecting methods for KSDC ‘s PMKVY and CMKKY schemes was conducted in Dharwad between 17th and 18th of March. Total six districts were earmarked for this study and the workshop has been conducted for local NGO partners belongs to these districts. Total 48 enumerators representing  Ramanagra, Raichur, Yadgir, Dharwad, Shivamogga and Uttar Kannada districts were participated in this study

On the first day Dr Basavaraju R Shreshta briefed the importance of the survey, need of the data collection and guidelines to be followed during the survey to the participants.

 Second da…

Events by Graamers

Events attended by GRAAMers 444

Dr. R. Balasubramaniam

  • Delivered a talk on “Asking the Right Questions, Finding Community Embedded Answers”, hosted by St. John’s National Academy of Health Sciences, Bengaluru on 08 April 2021
  • Delivered a talk delivered on “GRAAM Swaraj” organised by Sri Ramakrishna Geethashrama, Hospet on 01 June 2021
  • Participated in a talk on “A Webinar on Global Citizenship”, a webinar on Understanding Cultures hosted by Vivekananda Institute of Indian Studies (VIIS), SVYM Mysuru on 03 June 2021.
  • Delivered a talk on “Public Health & Human Development”, hosted by DISOM – Transformation Leadership Institute

GRAAM in media

Dr. R. Balasubramaniam appointed as a member of Capacity Building Commission

Dr. R. Balasubramaniam, Founder and Chairman of Grassroots Research And Advocacy Movement (GRAAM) is appointed to the Capacity Building Commission as Member (HR). The Appointment Committee of the Cabinet of Government of India appointed the committee and order was issued on 01st April 2021. 

As part of Mission Karmayogi”- National Programme for Civil Services Capacity Building (NPCSCB), the Capacity Building Commission (CBC) is mandated to harmonize training standards, create shared faculty and resources, and have supervisory role over all Central Training In…