
JIGSAW Method of Learning

Aarhus University, Denmark, along with GRAAM as a project implementation partner, conducted an experimental study named “Inclusive Education: JIGSAW Method of Learning” with all Kendriya Vidyalayas (henceforth KVs) in Bengaluru Region. `JIGSAW technique of cooperative learning’, is a learning method where classroom activity is organised in a way that makes students depend on each other to succeed. It breaks classes into groups and breaks assignments into pieces that the group assembles to complete the JIGSAW puzzle.

Project Details

Project Title

JIGSAW Method of Learning

Project Sanction Date

05 Jul 2017

Project Period

Jul 2017 - Apr 2018

Project Location

Karnataka, Goa

Project supported by

Project Team

Project objectives:

The study was conducted with an objective of identifying methods to reduce the learning gaps at the post-primary levels in India.

Project Result / Accomplishments:

The Study covered around 25000 students across 50 schools over a period of 2.5 months.