Tag : learning
21st Century Skills in India- State of the Sector...
The report helps build a collective understanding of the India-centred assessments and interventions of 21st-century skills. By thorough...
‘Children’s engagement with learning is disrupted...
The objective of the study was to understand the effect of school closure in the routine of children, how children spend their time...
The Long for Opportunity
This article narrates how Reshma realised her potentials through an opportunity given to her through Makkala Samsath
Running schools amid pandemic
· "Inaccessible education, lack of socialisation and uncertain times has left the children with compromised mental health," writes...
Vikas and his story of change
Listen to a story of Vikas, a student at Sugamya Shiksha's Community Learning Centre in Mysuru.
GRAAM’s " Sugamya Shiksha” – Enabling Access to Learning...
GRAAM in partnership with its CSR partner Aris Global Software Pvt Ltd. has come up with Community learning centers, which enables...