
A study of the health status needs and access of the nomadic tribes of Jammu and Kashmir

While tribal communities, in general, are widely disadvantaged in terms of health status and access, nomadic tribal communities face special problems in accessing healthcare because of their mobility or transhumance. They also have highly constrained healthcare access because of the severe remoteness of the locations they migrate to during certain months of the year.

The Gujjars and the Bakharwals are the largest and second-largest nomadic tribes in Jammu Kashmir. These tribes are widely pastoral in their occupation and lifestyle, have been affected by marginalization in various forms such as social discrimination and political isolation, and have also been found to reside in extremely poor socio-economic conditions (Ganie et al., 2020). The conflict-prone nature of the areas where these tribes reside and move complicates their health access.


There is also a lack of systematic health surveillance data available on these groups because of their transhumance (Verma, Gandhi & Dash, 2019). The study by Verma, Gandhi & Dash (2019) has shown that these communities, when living in the higher pastures, have serious problems with access to public and private providers, because of which they often rely on traditional healers. As this study argues, the cultural beliefs of these communities also predispose them towards seeking care from traditional healers.

The Govt of J&K has been attempting to address the health access of these mobile communities through measures such as the provision of MMUs for their benefit, and provision of one ASHA per 250 persons in the Dhoks (temporary settlements). Evidence on the health status, needs, social determinants, and healthcare access of these communities, gathered through a systematic and comprehensive approach, is expected to be beneficial to the authorities for future planning and implementation of healthcare measures for the benefit of these communities.

Project Snapshot:

Project Name A study of the health status needs and access of the nomadic tribes of Jammu and Kashmir
Project Sanction Date 15 May 2023
Project Period May 2023 to Dec 2023
Project Location Kashmir (Ganderbal District, Bandipora District)
Project Supported By World Health Organization
Project Team Dr. Ananya Samajdar , Dr. Basavaraju R Shreshta , Dr Kaveri Gurav , Devina Neogi , Dr. Rashmi.R.Palabhavi
Project Name
A study of the health status needs and access of the nomadic tribes of Jammu and Kashmir
Project Sanction Date
15 May 2023
Project Period
May 2023 to Dec 2023
Project Location
Kashmir (Ganderbal District, Bandipora District)
Project Supported By
Project Team

Project Details

Project Title

A study of the health status needs and access of the nomadic tribes of Jammu and Kashmir

Project Sanction Date

15 May 2023

Project Period

May 2023 to Dec 2023

Project Location

Kashmir (Ganderbal District, Bandipora District)

Project supported by

Project objectives:

Project Result / Accomplishments: