
A study on School Development and Monitoring Committee

School Development and Monitoring Committee is established to ensure better management for improving education and school development. SDMC has been given certain powers and functions for ensuring that schools are managed better. SDMCs also address issues related to academic and development activities. This study was conducted in 38 government schools to find out the reasons for community’s non-participation in schools.

Project Details

Project Title

A study on School Development and Monitoring Committee

Project Sanction Date

31 Dec 2019

Project Period

Dec 2019 - Jan 2020

Project Location


Project supported by

Project Team

Project objectives:

  • Understand why the community is not interested in participating in SDMC.
  • Understand the initiatives to make members actively participate in the SDMC.

Project Result / Accomplishments:

  • SDMC’s activities of interest include: school program and government programs, children’s fair, enrolment and attendance movement, child learning, school development and donor support, meeting with teachers, cleaning up the school environment.
  • 99.50% respondents said ‘yes’ to the need for an SDMC committee for school development for effective implementation of all these at school level.
  • 40.95% responded that SDMCs are necessary for school development (infrastructure, model school, duty and employment). 32.66% for child enrolment, attendance, development and learning and 14.07% for teachers’ support.
  • The reasons for not participating in the SDMC are the lack of cooperation and lack of coordination of schools with the SDMC members which thwarts the functions of SDMC.