NR Group of companies, a leading business conglomerate in Mysuru, intended to empower and enable vulnerable youths of Mysuru with skill and employment for their sustainable living. The foundation is looking forward to establish a state-of-the-art, ‘Skill, Employment and Entrepreneurship Facilitating Center’ for marginalized youths, with a special focus on persons with disabilities in Mysuru. Hence, GRAAM was chosen to provide strategic consulting services, to best utilize its built-in infrastructure through Research.
As part of this study, GRAAM has conducted several activities through stakeholder consultation at various levels. Majorly PwD household survey across Nanjangud area of Mysuru district, Panel discussion in partnership with NIPM for HR professionals in Mysuru, in-depth interviews with various educational and skill training centers which are facilitating to persons with a disability in Mysuru. PwD Job Analysis & Job Role mapping was conducted across five industry sectors in Mysuru.
The study provided the insights on current scenario of persons with disabilities, focused on their education, skills, employment, and their life aspirations. It also ascertained the scope, opportunities & challenges involved in empowering person with disabilities in Mysuru.