
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
3:21 am

Events attended by GRAAMers

Events attended by GRAAMers

Our Chairman Dr. R. Balasubramaniam delivered over 6 academic talks and lectures in this period. The major ones being

  • ‘Effective collaboration amongst stakeholders for driving the goals’ was held on30 January 2020 at ICFRE Auditorium, FRI, Dehradun. It was hosted by Sewa International.
  • ‘NCD’s in Rural Populations: Framing a Pragmatic Policy Prescription,’ on5 January 2020 at Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra Campus, Bengaluru. It was hosted by Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata.
  • ‘The Idea of Development’ was held on18 January 2020 at Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Management Studies and Research, Chembur, Mumbai. It was hosted by Vision India Foundation, Mumbai.
  • ’City And Village, the Endless Circle’ was held on 25 January 2020 at Indian Institute of Social Science, Bengaluru It was hosted by Think India, Bengaluru.
  • ‘Understanding Public policy and advocacy’ at Tribal culture, Sonari, on 6 March 2020.
  • Dr Basavaraju R, Executive Director of GRAAM was one of the invited resource persons for the External Resource Funding and Grant Management workshop organised by Christ University’s School of Business Studies and Management. The workshop was held on 6-7 March 2020 at Bengaluru.  
  • Ms. Usha, Program Lead, Sugamya Shiksha, GRAAM and Ms. Maithily K, Programme Coordinator, GRAAM attended ‘Rotary Karnataka CSR Awards- 2020’ organized by Rotary Karnataka on 15 February 2020. The conference was to celebrate the contribution made by various stakeholders towards community service in Karnataka for socio-economic development of this State. Ms Usha participated and presented Sugamya Shiksha’s Sandhya Shale initiative in the final jury round. Dr. Basavaraju R., Executive Director, GRAAM attended the Award Presentation of the same on 28 February, 2020 at Hotel Royal Orchid, Bangalore.
  • Dr. Basavaraju R and Dr. Ananya Samajdar Deputy Director Research and Senior Research Fellow, attended ‘Stakeholders Consultative Workshop on Comprehensive Primary Healthcare Model for Mysore City’ conducted by ‘Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT), Government of Karnataka and Health Systems Transformation Platform (HSTP)’ on 15 February 2020 at JP Palace, Mysore. The workshop was intended to initiate collaboration with stakeholders for building a comprehensive primary healthcare model in Mysore city, ideate on the transformation of Mysore to a healthy city and to generate inputs on the proposed implementation research and design for the delivery of the comprehensive primary health care model.
  • Ms. Vishaka V Warrier, Senior Documentation and PR, GRAAM attended workshop on ‘Promoting Social Cohesion and Inclusion on Social Media’ conducted by ‘Facebook and International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)’ on 17 and 18 February 2020, at The Gateway Hotel, Bangalore. The workshop aimed at familiarizing NGOs about Hate speech and countering the same. It was also an opportunity for the participants (basically NGOs) to join as Facebook’s Trusted Partners Network. Facebook Trusted partners are pre-vetted NGOs that have a dedicated channel that NGOs can use to contact Facebook about specific pieces of content which then will be prioritized for evaluation based on established criteria.
  • Ms. Susmita Das Pattnaik participated in the ‘National Conference on Empowerment of Persons with Disability- Transforming Ideas into Action- Stepping into Next Decade’ conducted by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on 5 March 2020 at The Leela Palace, New Delhi.

Our Chairman Dr. R. Balasubramaniam delivered over 6 academic talks and lectures in this period. The major ones being

  • ‘Effective collaboration amongst stakeholders for driving the goals’ was held on30 January 2020 at ICFRE Auditorium, FRI, Dehradun. It was hosted by Sewa International.
  • ‘NCD’s in Rural Populations: Framing a Pragmatic Policy Prescription,’ on5 January 2020 at Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra Campus, Bengaluru. It was hosted by Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata.
  • ‘The Idea of Development’ was held on18 January 2020 at Vivekanand Education Society’s Institute of Management Studies and Research, Chembur, Mumbai. It was hosted by Vision India Foundation, Mumbai.
  • ’City And Village, the Endless Circle’ was held on 25 January 2020 at Indian Institute of Social Science, Bengaluru It was hosted by Think India, Bengaluru.
  • ‘Understanding Public policy and advocacy’ at Tribal culture, Sonari, on 6 March 2020.
  • Dr Basavaraju R, Executive Director of GRAAM was one of the invited resource persons for the External Resource Funding and Grant Management workshop organised by Christ University’s School of Business Studies and Management. The workshop was held on 6-7 March 2020 at Bengaluru.
  • Ms. Usha, Program Lead, Sugamya Shiksha, GRAAM and Ms. Maithily K, Programme Coordinator, GRAAM attended ‘Rotary Karnataka CSR Awards- 2020’ organized by Rotary Karnataka on 15 February 2020. The conference was to celebrate the contribution made by various stakeholders towards community service in Karnataka for socio-economic development of this State. Ms Usha participated and presented Sugamya Shiksha’s Sandhya Shale initiative in the final jury round. Dr. Basavaraju R., Executive Director, GRAAM attended the Award Presentation of the same on 28 February, 2020 at Hotel Royal Orchid, Bangalore.
  • Dr. Basavaraju R and Dr. Ananya Samajdar Deputy Director Research and Senior Research Fellow, attended ‘Stakeholders Consultative Workshop on Comprehensive Primary Healthcare Model for Mysore City’ conducted by ‘Karnataka Health Promotion Trust (KHPT), Government of Karnataka and Health Systems Transformation Platform (HSTP)’ on 15 February 2020 at JP Palace, Mysore. The workshop was intended to initiate collaboration with stakeholders for building a comprehensive primary healthcare model in Mysore city, ideate on the transformation of Mysore to a healthy city and to generate inputs on the proposed implementation research and design for the delivery of the comprehensive primary health care model.
  • Ms. Vishaka V Warrier, Senior Documentation and PR, GRAAM attended workshop on ‘Promoting Social Cohesion and Inclusion on Social Media’ conducted by ‘Facebook and International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)’ on 17 and 18 February 2020, at The Gateway Hotel, Bangalore. The workshop aimed at familiarizing NGOs about Hate speech and countering the same. It was also an opportunity for the participants (basically NGOs) to join as Facebook’s Trusted Partners Network. Facebook Trusted partners are pre-vetted NGOs that have a dedicated channel that NGOs can use to contact Facebook about specific pieces of content which then will be prioritized for evaluation based on established criteria.
  • Ms. Susmita Das Pattnaik participated in the ‘National Conference on Empowerment of Persons with Disability- Transforming Ideas into Action- Stepping into Next Decade’ conducted by Confederation of Indian Industry (CII) on 5 March 2020 at The Leela Palace, New Delhi.

About Us

Grassroots Research and Advocacy Movement (GRAAM) is a development research initiative in India focused on policy research, impact assessment, and strategic consultation. Collaborating with government, citizens, civil society, and corporate sectors, GRAAM ensures grassroots voices shape citizen-centric public policies. Their mission is to drive development by building human and social capital through evidence-based, community-informed solutions.

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