
Wednesday, February 19, 2025
2:24 pm

Introduction to Public Policy Public policies should protect the Most vulnerable: Dr Y S R Murthy

Introduction to Public Policy Public policies should protect the Most vulnerable: Dr Y S R Murthy

GRAAM conducted an online certificate program “Introduction to public policy” during the Valedictory ceremony of the Programme conducted by Grassroots Research Advocacy Movement (GRAAM) for the members of the Quality Council of India in a virtual valedictory programme concluded on 17th August.

“Public Policy should be approached from the human rights perspective. They must ensure to protect the most vulnerable. As a civil servant, we need to remember our true role as a ‘Public Servant’ and not as a ‘Master.’ This is the way we can improve accessibility and accountability,” said Y S R Murthy, Vice Chancellor, R V University.

He was addressing the participants of an online certificate program “Introduction to public policy” during the Valedictory ceremony of the Programme conducted by Grassroots Research Advocacy Movement (GRAAM) for the members of the Quality Council of India in a virtual valedictory programme concluded on 17th August. 

In his concluding remarks he advised the participants to convert ambitious vision into reality and ensure fullest satisfaction by delivering an excellent quality of work. 

Acknowledging and contributing to the thoughts of Mr. Murthy, Dr Basavaraju R Shreshta, Executive Director for GRAAM reminded the participants, “There is no one solution to any problem. It should always be reviewed and updated with the dynamic times. Therefore public policy should always be approached as an ever evolving subject’’. 

Participants who have undergone a week-long training program have shared their feedback and expressed that they have had great learning through the sessions. 

Mr.Bhagavan Bidarakote, Sr.Manager, Partnerships and Strategic Consulting of GRAAM compared and welcomed the Guest. 

GRAAM conducted an online certificate program “Introduction to public policy” during the Valedictory ceremony of the Programme conducted by Grassroots Research Advocacy Movement (GRAAM) for the members of the Quality Council of India in a virtual valedictory programme concluded on 17th August.

“Public Policy should be approached from the human rights perspective. They must ensure to protect the most vulnerable. As a civil servant, we need to remember our true role as a ‘Public Servant’ and not as a ‘Master.’ This is the way we can improve accessibility and accountability,” said Y S R Murthy, Vice Chancellor, R V University.

He was addressing the participants of an online certificate program “Introduction to public policy” during the Valedictory ceremony of the Programme conducted by Grassroots Research Advocacy Movement (GRAAM) for the members of the Quality Council of India in a virtual valedictory programme concluded on 17th August. 

In his concluding remarks he advised the participants to convert ambitious vision into reality and ensure fullest satisfaction by delivering an excellent quality of work. 

Acknowledging and contributing to the thoughts of Mr. Murthy, Dr Basavaraju R Shreshta, Executive Director for GRAAM reminded the participants, “There is no one solution to any problem. It should always be reviewed and updated with the dynamic times. Therefore public policy should always be approached as an ever evolving subject’’. 

Participants who have undergone a week-long training program have shared their feedback and expressed that they have had great learning through the sessions. 

Mr.Bhagavan Bidarakote, Sr.Manager, Partnerships and Strategic Consulting of GRAAM compared and welcomed the Guest. 

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Grassroots Research and Advocacy Movement (GRAAM) is a development research initiative in India focused on policy research, impact assessment, and strategic consultation. Collaborating with government, citizens, civil society, and corporate sectors, GRAAM ensures grassroots voices shape citizen-centric public policies. Their mission is to drive development by building human and social capital through evidence-based, community-informed solutions.

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