GRAAM commenced the Sixth edition of “Introduction to Public Policy Session” in Delhi for the professionals of the Quality Council of India (QCI).
What:Â GRAAM commenced the Sixth edition of “Introduction to Public Policy Session” in Delhi for the professionals of the Quality Council of India (QCI).
When: Between March 22 nd and 24th.
Session 1: The first session was conducted by  Dr R. Balasubramaniam, Member Capacity Building Commission, GOI, and Founder GRAAM & SVYM. In the very first session, Dr Balu spoke about how society evolved from “anarchy to order” with his unique way of exemplars of four formers having different abilities of strength and knowledge.

Session 2: On the second day of the session Dr.Ananya Samajdar Head-Research, GRAAM, took the executives of the Quality Council of India(QCI) through different aspects of policy execution. She spoke at length on how a policy is formulated & implemented in a federal structure and how different stakeholders play a role in policy.

Session 3: The last day of the session for the professionals of the QCI ended with an interactive module conducted by  Dr. Basavaraju R Shreshta, Executive Director, GRAAM on policy analysis, followed by presentations by teams on their analysis of a government scheme and policy.