A fifth session on `Introduction to Public Policy Course’ was conducted on face to face mode for Quality Council of India (QCI) at New Delhi on 23-24th November 2021.
A fifth session on `Introduction to Public Policy Course’ was conducted on face to face mode for Quality Council of India (QCI) at New Delhi on 23-24th November 2021. Dr R Balasubramaniam, Chairman, GRAAM conducted the introductory session on ‘History and Evolution of the policy making process’. This was followed by two sessions by Dr Ananya Samajdar, Head, Research, GRAAM on ‘Public Policy Cycle’ and ‘Policy Execution’. Dr Basavaraju R, Executive Director, GRAAM conducted sessions on Public Policy Analysis and Policy Communication.
The sessions were conducted in a highly interactive mode and were marked by very active participation by the trainees.