As a Public policy think-tank, we at GRAAM wish to draw attention of the community and policy makers on any subject which matters to community at large. In our endeavour to work towards citizen centric public policies we strive to bring in experts from all sectors to discuss deliberate on a contemporary topic which enables GRAAM to make a pragmatic suggestion which leads to a possible policy change. In view of this, GRAAM has conducted a series of webinars during the last quarter, some of them are listed below, you may also watch it on our YouTube channel on the give link.
Can the Social Stock Exchange (SSE) play a role in India’s Development? – A Global Perspective.
This webinar presents the concept of Social Stock Exchange and discusses the relevance of Social Stock Exchange at present scenario. Introduction to the model of social enterprises and SSE in a global perspective are the other major aspects of the talk.
Follow the below link to know more about SSE

Understanding Social Stock Exchange and Its impact on NGOs’ Organized by GRAAM-RMP
Taking from the basic introduction to the NGO sector, various sources of resource mobilization and challenges for mobilizing the resources such as declining International funding, restrictive regulatory methods etc. have been discussed in this webinar.
Click the below link to

Findings of the GRAAM’s research on `A study to understand the perceptions of parents and teachers about reopening the public schools in Karnataka’ has been presented in this webinar and experts presented their views based on the research find outs mainly on reopening of schools, social and psychological factors which going to affect the children during the pandemic.
To know more about the discussion click on the below link…..

Is it possible to bring qualitative learning among students through technology-based teaching?
This webinar mainly discusses the obstacles for technology-based teaching. Resources persons have debated whether technology-based learning can compensate for quality-based learning. Along with this the impact of Pareekshavaani programme telecast for SSLC students in DD Chanadana channel has been also discussed in the webinar.
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