Talks and webinars attended by the chairman and Executive Director in the last Quarter
Talks delivered by GRAAM chairman Dr R Balasubrahmaniam
Lecture delivered on “Social Stock Exchange: Why and how it is relevant in Indian Context?” in Indian Institute of Management, Lucknow on 8th September 2020.
Talk delivered about “Exercising Leadership to create a new economic order” in Indian Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli on 6th September 2020.
Lecture delivered on “Policy Leadership” hosted by National Law School of India University, Bengaluru on 15th September.
Lecture delivered on “Understanding self-reliance from a National perspective: The foundation for Aatma nirbharata” hosted by GOI Field Outreach Bureau & ATME College of Engineering, Mysuru on 26th August 2020.
Webinars attended by Executive Director Dr Basavaraj R
Participated in a webinar on Role of voluntary /Social Development sector in response to Covid-19 organised by the Vishwa Yuva Kendra & Fevord- K on July 21st, 2020.
Participated as a resource person in a seminar on Status Migrants during Pandemic organised by IGSSS.